PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial


Sector / Location: / is a social enterprise and a certified B Corporation. B Corporations are held to high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency set by B Lab, an independent certifying group


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Melalui FinTech, Amartha memodernisasi pembiayaan mikro dengan membangun platform peer-to-peer lending (P2P) dilengkapi sistem credit scoring untuk menganalisa kelayakan calon peminjam. Melalui P2P, kami menghubungkan pelaku usaha mikro di sektor ekonomi informal langsung dengan pemberi modal.

Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa

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KOMIDA as leader of Microfinance Institutions that are able to serve the financial service needs of 500.000 low-income women in Indonesia by 2017. To reach the low-income and financially excluded women by providing them with quality financial and non financial services to achieve better outcomes for client households in income, health and education.

PLJ Indonesia

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Memberikan layanan juru bahasa Isyarat di berbagai bidang ⏺ FB: Pusat Layanan Juru Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia


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KoinWorks adalah perusahaan Fintech Lending Indonesia yang melayani investasi online P2P Lending dengan machine learning yang inovatif, menghubungkan Investor dengan Peminjam dalam sebuah platform teknologi mutakhir. Investor dapat berinvestasi mulai dari Rp 100.000 dan Peminjam dapat mengajukan pinjaman dengan bunga rendah


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Crowdo adalah platform Peer to Peer Lending yang menghubungkan investor dengan peminjam dalam hal pembiayaan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah


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Ayobacain menjadi aplikasi pertama di Indonesia yang mengonversi buku konvensional menjadi buku audio bagi teman-teman tunanetra. Mereka dapat mengakses gratis berbagai jenis bacaan, baik bacaan seputar pelajaran sekolah atau buku teks, buku ilmiah, modul, hingga komik dan novel, melalui situs web dan aplikasi Ayobacain di handphone untuk iOs dan Android.

Bina Swadaya

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Bina Swadaya (Yayasan Pengembangan Swadaya Masyarakat) adalah lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) besar di Indonesia yang fokusnya pada pembangunan masyarakat

Cinta Bumi Artisans

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Cinta Bumi Artisans was born with a big bundle of passion and purpose: to sustain culture and deep-rooted art by collaborating with local communities, encouraging ecological consciousness and sharing our love of art to others through craftsmanship and innovation in functional and artistic wearable handcrafted products that are produced responsibly in small batches.


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Geraiku leverage traditional retail stores to be as competitive as their modern counterparts through mobile technology.

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