PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial

Jawa Barat

Safe Kids Indonesia

Safe.Kids Indonesia is A Social Enterprise focusing on Child & Home Safety Searching for innovative and creative way seek solutions for child & home safety

Badr Interactive

Badr Interactive is a web and mobile applications developer. Helped clients to build customized technology solutions, from e-commerce to e-learning, from corporate website to the sophisticated asset integrity management systems, from apps installed in your mobile to SaaS in the cloud.

Lucklig & Co

Lucklig & Co is a small business that located on Depok a city near fromJakarta. which helps women to upgrade their capabilities to be financiallyindependent. Lucklig & Co not only aims to be the One Stop WeddingSolution that provides all party and wedding needs, but also empowerswomen and youth.

Atma Go

AtmaGo is a neighborhood-level social network app in Indonesia in 2015. In thousands of posts and replies, AtmaGo users are sharing real-time information about fires, floods and crime—and offering advice and solutions about jobs, education and health.


Kooyla is a community empowerment social enterprise that helps communities and NGOs generate sustainable incomes by creating fashion products that give back to communities (buy one give one model). They make products that tell a story of theirs through design and campaign.

Sagara Asia

We builds mission-driven technology that helps people to solve critical real-world problems. We create impact through digital, design, hardware. Sagara Asia is driven by the mission to help people and industries to improve their works, they believe in their core values those guide them to care to their customers and deliver the best technology solution.


Rezycology merupakan perusahaan yang berada dalam lini daur ulang plastik dan berfokus pada penyortiran dan pengepresan sampah plastik, terutama PET dan PP plastic bottle. Salah satu produk dari Rezycology adalah aplikasi web/mobile untuk pemulung dan pengepul untuk menjual sampahnya langsung ke perusahaan daur ulang plastik.


Sunkrisps adalah produsen snack berbasis sayuran dan bahan natural lainnya

Rubah Kertas

Rubah Kertas menyediakan kertas daur ulang yang ramah lingkungan dan cocok untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kreatif

Rumah Imperium

Rumah Imperium menjadi tempat bertemu dan digemblengnya para Agen Perubahan. Mereka adalah calon-calon wirausaha, pelaku-pelaku perubahan, dan top executive dunia usaha, guru, dosen, pegawai negeri, aktivis lingkungan, agamawan, penegak keadilan, dan para pekerja sosial. Untuk membiayai perubahan yang dilakukannya, Rumah Imperium memberikan jasa pelatihan dan konsultasi manajemen perubahan serta membangun unit-unit usaha yang bernaung di …

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