PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial


Ketemu Project

Feeling limited by the way their works and practice only extend to the audience in the commercial art market, Ketemu was formed with the goal of developing projects with the participation of community members to address social issues and harness creativity for social empowerment. Ketemu Project Space was established at the beginning of 2015 as …

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Kekuatan bangsa ini ada di tangan anak muda yang berpikiran maju dan menantang arus, supaya mereka bisa berkarya sekaligus berdampak baik buat orang lain. Caranya adalah dengan mengubah sikap mental yang buruk sekaligus berpikir di luar kebiasaan untuk bisa mengubah sistem dan status quo. adalah sebuah blog yang mendorong anak muda Indonesia untuk berkarya …

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Chapter W

Chapter W is a non-profit social enterprise that focuses on Women, Technology and Social Impact. Its flagship program, Program Rumah Terang Nusantara (Mothers of Light Program), aims to end energy poverty and create growth in Indonesian villages by training rural women to become solar lamp entrepreneurs.

Glow For Indonesia

Glow for Indonesia is a social community that is concern in empowering middle lower people, environment, and youth movement. This community was formed since October 28th 2012 in Bandung. Until now, we have given positive impact to more than 5.000 people in Indonesia.

Plataran L’harmonie

Plataran L’harmonie works with local community to drive community development: the Three layer system program supports local farmers by introducing sustainable and productive agricultural system and further making a long-lasting partnership; Bokashi Fertilizer Production program produces an organic fertilizer from horse manure and provides it freely to local farmers; and the Love Nature Education Program …

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Melukis Harapan

Empowering communities holistically in ex-dolly prostitution area, assistance to ex-commercial sex workers, improve the education in ex-dolly prostitution area, Solve the health problems of the affected communities in the dolly, improve the local economy of People in Putat Jaya

Bumi Langit

Community learning to understand and able to live natural living through permaculture farming and food forest.


elatioRs creates wedding and party dresses using traditional Indonesian fabrics in collaboration with local weavers and tailors. Through purchasing the products, customers automatically donate for children’s education (uniform, stationery, or textbook, etc,) and/or training of women for employment in rural or urban slum area to decrease poverty in Indonesia.


Sakacraft is a social entrepreneurial activity that inspires activities to gather village craftsmen, youth and housewives to develop crafts skills-based ecofriendly crafts in term of improving and sustaining what is already in place especially in the village. Optimize the use of ecofriendly materials into marketable crafted products, clean and simple design yet functional.

Kampung Marketer

Kampung Marketer adalah social enterprise yang concern untuk melatih pemuda desa dengan penguasaan skill pada bidang e-commerce untuk berkolaborasi membantu UMKM di Indonesia.

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