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4 Delicious Collaboration on Social Entrepreneurship

Competition in the business world is a common thing. Hustling and accelerating ourselves to be the one is a must. Being successful is something that every entrepreneur fights for. But, competition is not the only way to achieve another mile in our business journey. Let’s adjust our glasses a little bit. By changing our perspective …

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4 Delicious Collaboration on Social Entrepreneurship

Competition in the business world is a common thing. Hustling and accelerating ourselves to be the one is a must. Being successful is something that every entrepreneur fights for. But, competition is not the only way to achieve another mile in our business journey. Let’s adjust our glasses a little bit. By changing our perspective …

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4 Delicious Collaboration on Social Entrepreneurship

Competition in the business world is a common thing. Hustling and accelerating ourselves to be the one is a must. Being successful is something that every entrepreneur fights for. But, competition is not the only way to achieve another mile in our business journey. Let’s adjust our glasses a little bit. By changing our perspective …

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4 Delicious Collaboration on Social Entrepreneurship

Competition in the business world is a common thing. Hustling and accelerating ourselves to be the one is a must. Being successful is something that every entrepreneur fights for. But, competition is not the only way to achieve another mile in our business journey. Let’s adjust our glasses a little bit. By changing our perspective …

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4 Delicious Collaboration on Social Entrepreneurship

Competition in the business world is a common thing. Hustling and accelerating ourselves to be the one is a must. Being successful is something that every entrepreneur fights for. But, competition is not the only way to achieve another mile in our business journey. Let’s adjust our glasses a little bit. By changing our perspective …

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How can social enterprises get funds?

This article was written by the Artemis Impact team, a company that aims to help organizations & donors to make a sustainable impact through 3 pillars: results-based funding, consulting services & technology. No one can overestimate the importance of funding & capital investment while running any sort of venture. For social enterprises that are just …

How can social enterprises get funds? Read More »

Semangat Kewirausahaan Sosial di Pati, Jawa Tengah

PLUS baru-baru ini berkesempatan ngobrol dengan Pak Hasib, Kepala Divisi Marketing, Pembiayaan dan Empowering di BMT Fastabiq Pati, Jawa Tengah (Baitul Maal wat Tamwiil, sebuah lembaga keuangan mikro yang di Indonesia telah berdiri sejak tahun 1980-an) dan menggali lebih lanjut mengenai apa yang membuat BMT dapat tetap tumbuh dan berkembang sampai sekarang. Dari Koperasi sampai …

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Consider These 5 Things Before Implementing Your Tech-based Solution

Teknologi adalah salah satu isu yang penting bagi social entrepreneurs dewasa ini. Banyak social entrepreneurs yang ingin menawarkan teknologi terkini untuk mencapai visi social enterprise untuk memberikan dampak sosial/lingkungan. Namun, banyak pula yang pada akhirnya merasa solusi teknologi yang mereka tawarkan tidak membawa banyak perubahan atau akhirnya malah tidak digunakan oleh komunitas sasaran. Bagaimana seharusnya …

Consider These 5 Things Before Implementing Your Tech-based Solution Read More »

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