PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial

Advisory & Advocacy

Safe Kids Indonesia

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Safe.Kids Indonesia is A Social Enterprise focusing on Child & Home Safety Searching for innovative and creative way seek solutions for child & home safety

Glow For Indonesia

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Glow for Indonesia is a social community that is concern in empowering middle lower people, environment, and youth movement. This community was formed since October 28th 2012 in Bandung. Until now, we have given positive impact to more than 5.000 people in Indonesia.

Center for entrepreneurship, Change, and Third Sector (CECT) Trisakti University

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CECT is a research center in Trisakti University, which also functions as consultant for Sustainability. CECT aims to contribute to the development and prosperity of Indonesia in the area of sustainability, social responsibility and community entrepreneurship through research, training, consultation and collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

Family Spotlight

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Family Spotlight provides a social innovation tool that allows families to assess their poverty levels and identify customised strategies to overcome their specific problems. 


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Srengenge is an advertising agency focusing to develop and organize new strategies and campaigns effectively through conventional media or new media. Like our name ‘Srengenge’, meaning Sun in Javanese. We are guided by philosophy, enlightening the field of marketing communication in Indonesia, exploring new ideas, and commited in the spirit of ‘humanizing human’ or commonly […]

Warlami (Perkumpulan Warna Alam Indonesia)

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Warlami is a movement in Indonesia to revive the use of natural dyes that have been used by the ancestors of Indonesia, long before synthetic dyes or chemicals started overwhelming our State Homeland. Through the development of natural dyes, we aim to explore greater sources of natural dyes from abundant natural resources in Indonesia, a […]

Rumah Imperium

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Rumah Imperium menjadi tempat bertemu dan digemblengnya para Agen Perubahan. Mereka adalah calon-calon wirausaha, pelaku-pelaku perubahan, dan top executive dunia usaha, guru, dosen, pegawai negeri, aktivis lingkungan, agamawan, penegak keadilan, dan para pekerja sosial. Untuk membiayai perubahan yang dilakukannya, Rumah Imperium memberikan jasa pelatihan dan konsultasi manajemen perubahan serta membangun unit-unit usaha yang bernaung di […]

Sahabat Kapas

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Sahabat Kapas adalah organisasi nonpemerintah dan nonprofit yang berkedudukan di Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah. Kami memberikan pendampingan psikologis, pengembangan diri, pelatihan keterampilan dan dukungan reintegrasi bagi Anak Berhadapan dengan Hukum (ABH). Sahabat Kapas memiliki program seperti #GerobakOnjel, #PawonOnjel, dan #LemariOnjel yang mempromosikan kaos, mug, pouch, tempat pensil serta produk kreatif lainnya. Semua hasil penjualan produk #Onjel […]

Socolas (Social Corporate Lawyers Society)

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Socolas is a growing network of corporate law practitioners committed to provide legal access on corporate matters for social enterprises, remote based micro-small & medium enterprises and social initiatives supported by strong pro bono culture. Since our establishment, we have hosted discussions, workshops, legal educations, legal clinics and cater to ample of clients with various […]

Kinara Indonesia

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Established in 2011 and based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Kinara seeks investment opportunities in real sector SMEs. We are focusing on early stage company with positive impact to the society. Our team will provide entrepreneurs with, not only financing support, but also in financial management process, expansion of distribution channels and also link them with various […]

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