PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

Permata Gayo Cooperative

Permata Gayo Cooperative merupakan kumpulan 2.500 petani kecil yang memproduksi Kopi Arabica dan diorganisir untuk pasar international

Mahi-Mahi Surf Resort

Mahi-Mahi is a for-profit enterprise that supports sustainable community and environment initiatives in the Simeulue and Banyak landscapes. By staying with us, guests are contributing towards a sustainable Indonesia. Guests are also invited to speak with our staff conservationist, volunteer in any of Mahi-Mahi’s Community programs, bring and donate school supplies, and simply donate to …

Mahi-Mahi Surf Resort Read More »

Pelangi Shop Aceh

Usaha pelangi shop aceh adalah suatu kegiatan usaha sosial yang memberdayakan petani garam dan masyarakat duafa.

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