PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial

Looking for a thinking partner for your business and impact? Say Hello PLUS!


Say hi! We're here for you!

Running a business and making social impact at the same time can be challenging, especially when you have to work on defining the right business model, or have no strong network, or working on a small team, and other shortage of resources.

Through Hello PLUS, we want to be your thinking partner by providing thoughts and insights to help you decide on what to do next or how to stay on the lane.

We believe social entrepreneurs in Indonesia don’t have to walk alone.

You're looking for a good thinking partner for your impactful business, right?

[typeform_embed type="drawer" style="button" url="" button_text="Say Hello to PLUS!"]

Or a collaborative partner to support social entrepreneurs?

What is Hello PLUS

Hello PLUS is a project specially designed to help any business with social and environmental mission in Indonesia to think through their business and impact problems on a free one-on-one call.

Is this the kind of opportunity you are looking for?

Tell us how we can help you to grow your business and impact!

PS: If you want to partner up with us to support social entrepreneurs, check our Partnership Page!

How to join?

Start here!

Start here! Tell us about your enterprise and your mission by filling out our online form.

We’ll be in touch

After completing and submitting the online form, we will contact you to schedule free consultation session to find relevant opportunities for you.

Get noticed


Your organization’s profile will be shown in our social enterprise map.


Still don’t know where to start? You can email us at if you have any questions.

Why Hello PLUS





learning materials


number of connections made


consultation hours given

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We are always here!

[typeform_embed type="drawer" style="button" url="" button_text="Hello PLUS!"]

Got Question?

Being connected to relevant network

Find various opportunities that can help your social enterprises grow according to your needs. Not all social enterprises need funds, most of the time they need more business support or capacity building.

Potential Collaboration

One of the main outputs of this Level-Up Project is you being connected to like-minded people who can help you bring your work and impact further. With the community we have, we want to help you find more opportunities to collaborate with other social enterprises or other organisation supporting social enterprises.

Free Consultation

PLUS is here to be your thinking partner or learning buddy. During consultation we will usually ask questions or give feedbacks to help you determine the next steps, or to further refine your business model and help to find the relevant network for you. The consultation is offered for free for 1 hour each time. If you are interested, you are also welcomed to request for more regular discussions / check-ins after our initial consultation. We have slots for 2 free consultations each week.

Below is the information we need from you to better understand your organization or social enterprises:

  • The needs of your organization
    - Financial needs
    - Non-financial needs
  • Business side of your organization
  • Customers of your organization
  • Community and Impact
  • Network of your organization

Don’t worry! We understand that there is some information that are confidential or that you may need time to collect.

As for our Social Enterprise map and directory, we only display general information that is already available for public. The purpose is to get more people to know about your organization and your mission!

For confidential information, we will use it to map opportunities and needs for your enterprises, both financial and non-financial, but it will not be published or publicly displayed.

Our team is trying to reach as many social organizations or businesses as possible in Indonesia, so we may have found your organizations on the internet or from offline events. We will be happy to help you update the latest information, you can directly email to to update your organization's information!

Still got questions?

Send an email directly to
We will reply within one business day.

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