PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial


Guest Lecture : Social Enterprise 101

PLUS has been invited to speak as a guest lecturer for the PPM School of Management’s Social Entrepreneurship Class for both undergraduates and employees.

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Youth Co:Lab Bootcamp 2022

Youth Co:Lab supports Net Zero by developing environmental-based social enterprises run by young social entrepreneurs in Indonesia. After 3 months of online workshops, 10 entrepreneurs were chosen to connect with environmental ecosystem actors at Matchmaking Bootcamp 2022.

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Youth Co:Lab 2021

PLUS conducted a capacity building program for 120 early-stage social entrepreneurs in Indonesia. The program aimed to help participants develop their businesses while creating real impact. The participants were provided with learning materials and received assistance through workshops.

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Ideathonesia 2021

PLUS conducted a capacity building program for 80 social enterprise teams from various regions in Indonesia. The program aimed to help participants implement specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in different sectors. The activity included webinars, workshops, and pitching sessions.

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Ideathonesia 2020

PLUS implemented a capacity-building initiative aimed at fostering social enterprise concepts among Indonesian youth. The program included online mentoring and pitch sessions, with a focus on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Lead Others

In collaboration with Ecoxyztem, PLUS created a video about Entrepreneurship Fundamentals.

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Pusat Unggulan Komoditi Lestari (PUKL) Berdaya

Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) and PLUS partnered to accelerate green development in LTKL regions. We organized a workshop on sustainable and social entrepreneurship for 70 participants, and selected 10 of them for the first PUKL team.

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