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Archives: Organizations


Ariga sells wooden watch products crafted from recycled wood waste.

Arlenne (sebelumnya Ohcraft)

Empowering groups of shoe craftsmen in Bandung, we produce fashionable, environmentally friendly shoes by recruiting them for production.

Arnesta Batik

Arnesta Batik produce hand made batik, especially in Balikpapan motif and East Borneo motif Batik.

PT Aruna Jaya Nusantara

PT Aruna Jaya Nusantara provides integrated digital solutions for marine and fisheries, ranging from management systems for fisheries, intelligent data, to online trading applications.

Asaya Coffee

We share messages of kindness and attention to the natural and social environment by connecting coffee lovers and farmers with the regions where coffee beans originate through our coffee gift products and coffee plantation tours.

Atma Go

AtmaGo is a neighborhood-level social network app in Indonesia in 2015. In thousands of posts and replies, AtmaGo users are sharing real-time information about fires, floods and crime—and offering advice and solutions about jobs, education and health.

Authentic Sumatra

Authentic Sumatra is a legalised tour operator since 2010 who is providing a unique way to discover Sumatra and does not follow the trends of mass tourism. Our aim is to help the local population to achieve better economic growth through tourism, while protecting their traditions and heritage. We help improve the education of local …

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Avani is social enterprise based in Bali, Indonesia, the epicenter of the battle against plastic waste. Assumed by most as a tropical island paradise with pristine white sand beaches, the truth is that Bali’s beaches are now often saturated with garbage and debris, and the majority of this trash is plastic. We aim to help …

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Ayo Nandur

Ayo Nandur is a business operating in the field of agricultural education, aiming to reintroduce people to the world of agriculture and encourage them to become a part of it.


baGoes sells environmentally friendly bags without the use of plastic bags.

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