Yuam Roasted Coffee
Yuam Roasted Coffee is a coffee shop that sells coffee from Kebumen and also assists in the development of a coffee tourism business in Kebumen.
Yuam Roasted Coffee is a coffee shop that sells coffee from Kebumen and also assists in the development of a coffee tourism business in Kebumen.
A service that provides the creation of online stores and websites from Indonesia. The only marketplace that transparently provides seller contact data, as our main goal is to foster Indonesian SMEs.
Zero Waste Indonesia (ZWID) is a Foundation and Social Entrepreneurship with the first online-based community in Indonesia which was founded in 2018 by Maurilla Imron and Kirana Agustina with the aim of inviting Indonesian people to live a zero waste lifestyle. Zero Waste Lifestyle is a lifestyle to minimize the production of waste produced by …
Pelangi Rinjani focused on processing dodol jma bu mente at first, but currently also makes cakes, as well as catering and cakes to order
YARA is one of the Legal Aid Organizations accredited by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to provide Free Legal Assistance to the Poor.
Foundation engaged in research, area development, and HRC education.
Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB) is a non-profit social foundation established in August 1999. With the vision to love and enable youth through hope and opportunity, YCAB is set to do so by providing education and economic empowerment for the underprivileged youth.
Protection of the environment, waste management and recycling, education and raising awareness, Reef Restoration and marine projects, Horse and cat welfare clinic….
Kampung Halaman is a nonprofit NGO that accompanies adolescents to empower them in using community-based media with a participatory approach.
Social entrepreneurship program managing green office waste management and green education especially for a paper-based product by empowering street or abandoned kids throughout Jakarta. Our foundation program provides free education access and shelter.