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Archives: Organizations

Dokter. id is a free online portal for doctors and the general public containing blogs and news, checking disease symptoms, hospital lists, and lists of doctors in Indonesia.


DokterSehat is a health company in Indonesia that provides complete and accurate health articles. Founded in 2016, DokterSehat is under the auspices of PT Media Kesehatan Indonesia. Since its inception, DokterSehat has consistently provided health information that discusses all types and symptoms of disease, men’s health, women’s health, guidance on pregnancy, parenting, sexuality, medicine, diet, …

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Dompet Dhuafa

Dompet Dhuafa Republika is a non-profit organization owned by the Indonesian community that is dedicated to raising the social and human dignity of the poor with ZISWAF funds (Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, Waqf, and other halal and legal funds, from individuals, groups, companies/institutions). Its birth began with the collective empathy of the journalist community which interacts …

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DONGENG.TV is a YouTube podcast series that disseminates storytelling culture in Indonesia through fairy tale videos and knowledge videos about fairy tales. We hope that parents, older siblings, and teachers will take advantage of fairy tales. tv to join together in educating Indonesian children through fairy tales.

Dreamdelion/ Elok by Ibu

Elok by Ibu produces souvenirs and also merchandise in the form of bags and pouches. This product can be ordered by companies, prospective brides, and retailers. All the products that Elok by Ibu produces are the work of sewing mothers at Pinus Elok Flats with the spirit of women’s empowerment. We produce souvenirs and merchandise …

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Du’Anyam produces and distributes wicker crafts to empower and improve health of rural Indonesian women

Dus Duk Duk

Creative business from cardboard material used for furniture, decoration etc

Earth Company/Manaubud

Manna Ubud has 4 programs: Impact Hero (a non-profit program), Study Tour (fundraising for heroes in the South East), Social Purpose (a profit program to cover the operations), and Consulting.

East Java Co

Good Honest Food – Simple products made from the freshest and highest quality ingredients sourced directly from farmers that use sustainable farming techniques.

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