PT Plastic Bank Indonesia
Plastic Bank is empowering the regenerative society. We are turning plastic into gold by revolutionizing the world’s recycling systems to create a regenerative, inclusive, and circular plastic economy
Plastic Bank is empowering the regenerative society. We are turning plastic into gold by revolutionizing the world’s recycling systems to create a regenerative, inclusive, and circular plastic economy
Rumah Mahika was developed as a sustainable ecosystem for families and communities, through the application of agroecological design and management.
Tim Sehat Jiwa consists of practitioners and professionals from psychology, social welfare, and various other scientific fields who have the enthusiasm and belief that everyone deserves to be happy and mental health must be accessible to everyone. This diversity makes the services we provide more holistic and effective in responding to mental health challenges at …
PT Social Bisnis Indonesia (SOBI) is a social enterprise that operates in the sustainable management and marketing of community forest products. We partner with community forest cooperatives in several regions in Indonesia. SOBI acts as a forest manager and FSC and SVLK certification group, as well as a market liaison between timber farmers and the …
Piranti Works produces wooden radios under the Radio Magno brand and employs 30 young local residents who are trained to become experts in the field of wood and design, as well as teaching them about discipline and a good work culture. Apart from production, we also carry out seeding and replanting of sengon, mahogany, rosewood …
Plastavfall Solution is a social enterprise with waste management services to support the solving of waste issuein Bandung Raya.Plastavfall Solution also focused in education regarding waste sorting so that waste issues can be addressed holistically.
PLJ (Pusat Layanan Juru Bahasa Isyarat) is an institution that manages sign language interpreters in Indonesia which is managed by the Deaf community-sign language users. With the existence of this institution, we hope that the government, institutions/institutions or society in general and deaf people in particular will no longer experience confusion in finding references for …
Kelompok Popo Momo has been selling coffee and processed bananas since 2012. One of our coffee products is mixed coffee (coffee and rice). Coffee beans are brought directly by members who are also coffee farmers. Through Popo Momo, we hope that we can to empower unemployed women in the our environment.
PPKS Indonesia is an organization with members of young people aged 16-30 years who care about social issues & social welfare. We have a vision to create socially minded young people who have the intellectual and morality to increase social welfare in Indonesia
Precious One is an organization that focuses on empowering people with disabilities, aiming to enable them to discover their potential, realizing that each of us humans are created with a purpose and value. Our mission is to reduce unemployment disability . We create quality products made by people with disabilities. Through our work, we hope …