SeLing Indonesia
SeLing Indonesia is a social enterprise that operates in the environmental sector by providing waste bank and ecoprint products.
SeLing Indonesia is a social enterprise that operates in the environmental sector by providing waste bank and ecoprint products.
Semarak Candrakirana Art Center is a learning palces for dancing with various types of dancing, such as Classical, Contemporary , Indonesian and Modern Dance.
Sendalu Permaculture was pioneered in 2017. This garden, which originated from a personal experiment to achieve food independence and sustainable living from home, is slowly turning into a shared learning space. In this garden, individuals and communities collaborate with each other and try to achieve food independence and sustainable living both individually and collectively.
Seni Tani is an urban farming social entreprise. We are a communal farm with community supported agriculture based.
We builds mission-driven technology that helps people to solve critical real-world problems. We create impact through digital, design, hardware. Sagara Asia is driven by the mission to help people and industries to improve their works, they believe in their core values those guide them to care to their customers and deliver the best technology solution.
Sago One empowers communities in sago producing areas so they can produce various processed sago products.
Sahabat Kapas is a non-governmental and non-profit organization based in Karanganyar, Central Java. We provide psychological assistance, personal development, skills training and reintegration support for Children in Conflict with the Law. Sahabat Kapas has programs such as #GerobakOnjel, #PawonOnjel, and #LemariOnjel which promote t-shirts, mugs, pouches, pencil cases and other creative products. All proceeds from …
Sahabatcare is a social enterprise that provides health services for mothers and babies at home by professional health workers.
Sahawood Eyewear sells wooden glasses made by communities who recovery from drug, ex-prisoners & urban poor woman.
We spread good practices in education throughout the country