PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial


PT Plastic Bank Indonesia

Plastic Bank is empowering the regenerative society. We are turning plastic into gold by revolutionizing the world’s recycling systems to create a regenerative, inclusive, and circular plastic economy

Live Essences

Probiotic Wellness shots.Connect, share knowledge wisdom all about wellness, health and beauty


Kultara is a creative tourism platform that aims to promote sustainable tourism by enriching travelers’ experience and connecting them with artists, local guides & communities.

Koperasi Produsen MPIG Garam Amed Bali

Amed Bali MPIG Salt Producer Cooperative is a cooperative that empowers salt farmers in Amed to help organize production and sales to improve the prosperity of salt farming in Amed so that salt farming in Amed can revive and develop further in the future.


Kopernik is a social enterprise that connects simple technology with last mile communities to reduce poverty. We balance a philanthropic and business approach to distributing technology. Our donors fund the upfront costs of introducing technologies and creating micro-business opportunities in remote communities. The money raised from product sales is reinvested in more technology for the …

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Ketemu Project

Feeling limited by the way their works and practice only extends to the audience in the commercial art market, Ketemu was formed with the goal of developing projects with the participation of communitymembers to address social issues and harness creativity for social empowerment. Ketemu Project Space was established at the beginning of 2015 as a …

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Indosole recycles old tyres to be the soles of their footwear

Griya Luhu

Griya Luhu is here as a sustainable waste management solution using digital technology


Making healthy snack products from organic rice with a modern appearance so that they can help organic farmers in marketing their organic products.

Green School

A community of learners making our world sustainable. Educate for sustainability, through community-integrated, entrepreneurial learning, in a wall-less, natural environment. Our holistic, student-guided approach inspires and empowers us to be green leaders

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