PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial


Ketemu Project

Feeling limited by the way their works and practice only extend to the audience in the commercial art market, Ketemu was formed with the goal of developing projects with the participation of community members to address social issues and harness creativity for social empowerment. Ketemu Project Space was established at the beginning of 2015 as …

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Platform dimana orang bisa membeli hadiah berupa donasi

MENA Indonesia

MENA is a social enterprise that collaborates with communities to help utilize local traditions, skills, and the natural environment to help build strong and sustainable local economies. We design culturally-inspired products made by local artisans, help develop locally-managed cultural tourism opportunities, and are working to build horizontal learning networks so that skills, ideas and experiences …

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Masyarakat Perlindungan Indikasi Geografis Garam Amed

MPIG Garam Amed Bali adalah perkumpulan produsen dan pelaku usaha garam di Amed Bali. Diproduksi secara terbatas setiap tahun, keunikan rasa Garam Amed hanya bisa dihasilkan dari garam yang diproduksi di Pesisir Pantai Amed, Bali.

Jejak tangan

create functional craft, concerning in using waste material from other workshop and or up-cycle project

Earth Company

Memiliki 4 program: Impact hero (non-profit program), Study Tour (sebagai fundraising untuk heroes di South East), Social Purpose (profit program to cover the operating), dan Consulting.

Agrowisata Abian Salak

Agrowisata Abian Salak adalah Wisata Pendidikan dan Rekreasi di Desa Sibetan. Belajar bercocok tanam salak, pengolahan buah salak secara tradisional, menikmati makan dari mpol salak. Keberadaan kawasan agro ini mampu mengantarkan petani salak di Desa Sibetan hidup dengan kualitas yang memadai. Pendapatan para petani bisa merangkak naik hingga mencapai 80%.

TinkerSpace for Social Enterprise

TinkerSpace for Social Enterprise work to build and foster the growth of social enterprises across Bali by partnering with them from curating experience trips for tourists, growing their management capacity through consulting and skills-based internship program.


Social Impakt promotes affordable water filters to improve access to clean water in the remote areas of Indonesia. The water filters are 30 times cheaper than using branded water gallons, 5 times cheaper than boiling water. They reduce diseases, CO2 emissions, deforestation and the use of plastic bottles. So using the water filter has economic, …

Social ImpaKt (PT KARYA GUNA PRIMA) Read More »

Five Pillar Foundation

Five Pillar Foundation is a community development organization and social enterprise with the aims to develop the full potential of villages and communities using an integrated approach that considers the five pillars of economic, social, environment, educational, and cultural development; and to develop and curate sustainable eco- and community-based travel experiences that create economic opportunity …

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