PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial


Yava Bali (Prev. East Bali Cashews)

Empowering communities as stable supporters of local food availability, producing goods that can compete globally while still utilizing existing local wisdom.

Tricycle (ex. Tri Upcycle

Tricycle is a social enterprise aimed at protecting forests by selling upcycled products. It promotes awareness in consumption and environmental conservation by planting numerous trees.

Threads of Life

Threads of Life is a fair trade business that uses culture and conservation to alleviate poverty in rural Indonesia. The heirloom-quality textiles and baskets we commission are made with local materials and natural dyes. With the proceeds from the Threads of Life gallery, we help weavers to form independent cooperatives and to manage their resources …

Threads of Life Read More »


Social Impakt promotes affordable water filters to improve access to clean water in the remote areas of Indonesia. The water filters are 30 times cheaper than using branded water gallons, 5 times cheaper than boiling water. They reduce diseases, CO2 emissions, deforestation and the use of plastic bottles. So using the water filter has economic, …

Social ImpaKt (PT KARYA GUNA PRIMA) Read More »

Sensatia Botanicals

Sensatia Botanicals was built from the desire to produce cosmetic products made from natural ingredients. Starting with a small team producing body soap from coconut oil, Sensatia Botanicals began to receive many requests for other products. Now, Sensatia Botanicals has developed into a brand known in scale of international.


Local agricultur product innovation, making popcorn using corn that available a lot in Karangasem


Bendega is a startup that focuses on improving and utilizing the ecosystem of water bodies and increasing fisher’s income. We supported environmental conservation, increased the exchange rate of fishers, and helped their SMEs use tech tools.

PT Terra Water Indonesia

PT Terra Water Indonesia provides naturally-based water filter for family. At terra, we believe that everyone deserves a life full of abundance and wellness. Our plan is to bring the life-changing benefits of safe water to every home and family in Indonesia.

PT. Atlas Kasi Tulus

We want to redefine gifting, by offering an alternative form of gift which is donations. We currently have 6 partners on board, from different sectors (Wildlife Conservation (Bos Foundation) , Animal Protection (The Bali Dog), Empowering Women (Liberty Society), Education (The Learning Farm)and Waste Management( The BGBJ)).

PT. Bali Seafood International / North Atlantic Seafood

Bali Seafood International is a subsidiary of North Atlantic, Inc. (NAI). Headquartered in Indonesia, Bali Seafood International is a producer of warm water products and manages NAI’s emerging world sustainability efforts.

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