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Join Social Impact Ecosystem for University Student by Attending The 2nd Annual Spark Summit
You will meet and connect with current pioneers of social entrepreneurship in Indonesia. This is your chance to learn from experienced change leaders who have years of experience and knowledge. Past speakers include Veronica Colondam (Founder of Indonesia's Largest Social Enterprise, YCAB) and Michael Sianipar (Secretary to past Jakarta Governor, Ahok) You will bond with …
Find out more »8:30 am
Ayo Inklusif! Ngobrol Pintar tentang Disabilitas
Ngobrol Pintar Tentang Disabilitas menghadirkan Ibu Sri Susanti Tjahjadini dari Sekolah Baruku, Aktivis Tuli, Marquel Dwi Putranto, dan Pemerhati Pendidikan & Perkembangan Anak, Ibu Wiwiek Joewono. Diskusi ini adalah bagian dari upaya meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap keberadaan teman-teman Disabilitas kepada masyarakat yang lebih luas. Jadi, jangan lewatkan & catat tanggalnya ya! Hari, tanggal: Sabtu, 21 Juli …
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Find out more »9:30 am
Spread the Act of Kindness – Water Coloring Workshops in Celebration of National Children’s Day
Spread the art of kindness and become an #ExtensionofGoodness with us! In honor of National Children’s Day, join YCAB to design your own “Children’s Rights or Hak Anak” themed tumbler guided by illustrators @kartikaparamita, @naandraining, and @galihwismoyo. The workshop will be divided into 3 intimate classes (max 15 people each), in which the illustrator in charge will personally help you to …
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