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Jelita Lombok

Lombok Tengah , West Nusa Tenggara

About Social Enterprise

Jelita Lombok is one of the SMEs engaged in the Cloth Bag home industry business. Currently producing in the Puspalaya hamlet, Arjangka village, Kec. Pringgarata. Jelita Lombok's business started in 2010 and currently has 8 active employees with a minimum turnover of 50 million. / Jelita Bag and Fashion started with Mrs. Martina's ability to sew school bags for her children. Then this capability was developed to make school bags for consumers around their homes. With increasing demand, Mrs. Martina improved the quality, and not only school bags, she also made bags from Lombok weaving. Jelita Bag and Fashion also involves women from around the village, whose husbands work in Malaysia, to practice and participate in making bags.
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Social Enterprise Location

Dusun Puspalaya Barat desa Arjangka Kec.Pringgarata Kab.Lombok Tengah Prov.Nusa Tenggara Barat
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