PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial


Ini Budi

Inibudi is an educational initiative that creates and shares digital materials in the form of quality learning videos to accelerate improvements in the quality and access of education in Indonesia. Inibudi involves community participation through the #TeacherBebudi, #TemanBelajar, and #SupportBelajar programs. Founded in 2013, all Inibudi videos are designed by teachers and people who are …

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Jobhun Surabaya is a portal providing job vacancy information in the Surabaya City area which was built in 2015. We always try to provide the latest information regarding full-time, part-time, and freelance job vacancies. Our mission is to reduce unemployment in the city of Surabaya.

Guru Bumi

Guru Bumi is an e-publishing that provides integrated, Indonesian-language and cultural visual educational materials created by creative teachers throughout Indonesia. is a place for psychology-based online chats and consultations, with a focus on the topics of personal, love, friendship, and family problems.

Green School

A community of learners making our world sustainable. Educate for sustainability, through community-integrated, entrepreneurial learning, in a wall-less, natural environment. Our holistic, student-guided approach inspires and empowers us to be green leaders

Gerakan Anak Petani Cerdas (Smart Farmer Kids in Action)

free schools and community empowerment to overcome the issue of poverty in Indonesian villages. Apart from focusing on education, Heni and his community also help increase farmers’ income through various means. These include providing agricultural counseling, helping with the marketing of agricultural products, and involving farmers in the Jampang agricultural educational tourism program.

Ecosociopreneur Indonesia

The service we offer is training for youth social entrepreneurs who care about the environment. We have designed an eco-sociopreneur learning curriculum that is easy to understand and apply. Our target audience is youth aged 16-30 years. Because we see the potential for Indonesia’s demographic bonus in the future, it would be better if the …

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Educa Studio

Educa Studi is a PC and mobile application for children’s education


Edukasi101 is a social enterprise that focuses on social and educational fields. Having the main goal of improving social and educational quality, currently, we have worked in many locations in Indonesia by empowering the power of technology to improve the quality of education and support sustainable social innovations.

Doctor Share

doctorSHARE (Foundation for Caring Doctors) is a non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to health services and humanitarian aid. Established in 2003 and officially founded on November 19, 2009, doctorSHARE provides holistic, independent, and impartial medical assistance to those most in need. This includes individuals who are considered poor and vulnerable, lacking a poverty card due to …

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