PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial

Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and/or Forestry

Budidaya Putuh Petelur

Income generation through the consumption and utilization of quail eggs, fertile eggs, day-old quail (DOQ), and adult quail. Utilizing home yards as a source of income by raising laying quail.


BUMKAM Yenui is a social enterprise owned by Menarbu Village in the Roon District of Teluk Wondama Regency. This enterprise specializes in the environmentally friendly buying and selling of fresh and salted fish sourced from fishermen in Menarbu Village and its surrounding areas.

Celebes Mushroom Farm

Celebes Mushroom Farm specializes in mushroom cultivation, with primary activities including the production of mushroom seeds, preparation of mushroom growing media, cultivation of mushroom seeds, and marketing of fresh mushrooms. Our products are sourced from independent businesses and collaborations with local communities. We provide seeds to these communities and offer training on mushroom cultivation to …

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Baroedak Tatanen Jawa Timur

Taruna Tani Agrosociopreneur Services specializes in creating innovations for the regeneration of millennial farmers by producing independent MSMEs focusing on local products, particularly shallots. We process shallots into shallot oil and shallot chili sauce, aiming to increase people’s income and foster an Agrosociopreneur spirit from an early age. Our target market includes restaurant owners and …

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Big Tree Farms

Big Tree Farms is leading the way in organic transparent direct-trade and plant-based nutrition. BTF work directly with 15,000 marginalized global farmers.

Bio Nature Nusantara

Established in 2014, Bio Nature Nusantara – Nusantara Healthy Foods emerged from collaborative business endeavors aimed at organizing farming communities and leveraging local resources to foster resilient, healthy, and prosperous families and communities.


BIOPS is a company operating in the agricultural technology sector with a vision to usher in a new era of Indonesian agriculture.

Banten Farm

Banten Farm collaborates with the local community to focus on providing healthy and affordable livestock meat for various groups. Additionally, it serves as an incubation center for young people interested in pursuing business ventures in the livestock sector.

AqsaFarm Coop

A social enterprise and spiritual company that focus on integrated community micro farming

PT Aruna Jaya Nusantara

PT Aruna Jaya Nusantara provides integrated digital solutions for marine and fisheries, ranging from management systems for fisheries, intelligent data, to online trading applications.

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