Engrasia is a marketplace that promotes original crafts from local craftsmen at the best prices to customers. This startup was formed to improve the welfare of local Indonesian craftsmen
Engrasia is a marketplace that promotes original crafts from local craftsmen at the best prices to customers. This startup was formed to improve the welfare of local Indonesian craftsmen
Eucalie’s story starts with a belief that home and body products should be natural and safe. What we inhale or apply on our skin will be absorbed into our body. That is why we have created an exquisite range of Organic and All Natural products that are safe and effective. By using our products, we …
EVOWARE is an innovative glass made from jelly that can biodegrade 100% with soil which is a delicious alternative to replace single-use glasses. EVOWARE is the evolution of a sustainable way of drinking and eating for the planet.
Through social enterprise, we want to ensure that children under 5 years of age have access to age-appropriate, quality, and culturally relevant educational toys to support holistic early childhood development through a sustainable social enterprise business model that provides employment opportunities for women through providing skills training, mentoring, and financial support while filling the market …
Food Sustainesia through Eatthink.id is a platform where young mothers can access information, e-learning, and sustainable food products.
doctorSHARE (Foundation for Caring Doctors) is a non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to health services and humanitarian aid. Established in 2003 and officially founded on November 19, 2009, doctorSHARE provides holistic, independent, and impartial medical assistance to those most in need. This includes individuals who are considered poor and vulnerable, lacking a poverty card due to …
Dokter. id is a free online portal for doctors and the general public containing blogs and news, checking disease symptoms, hospital lists, and lists of doctors in Indonesia.
DokterSehat is a health company in Indonesia that provides complete and accurate health articles. Founded in 2016, DokterSehat is under the auspices of PT Media Kesehatan Indonesia. Since its inception, DokterSehat has consistently provided health information that discusses all types and symptoms of disease, men’s health, women’s health, guidance on pregnancy, parenting, sexuality, medicine, diet, …
Dompet Dhuafa Republika is a non-profit organization owned by the Indonesian community that is dedicated to raising the social and human dignity of the poor with ZISWAF funds (Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, Waqf, and other halal and legal funds, from individuals, groups, companies/institutions). Its birth began with the collective empathy of the journalist community which interacts …
Elok by Ibu produces souvenirs and also merchandise in the form of bags and pouches. This product can be ordered by companies, prospective brides, and retailers. All the products that Elok by Ibu produces are the work of sewing mothers at Pinus Elok Flats with the spirit of women’s empowerment. We produce souvenirs and merchandise …