PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial

DKI Jakarta

Sehat Jiwa Bahagia

A social enterprise that provides promotive and preventive health services through providing educational programs and evidence-based holistic interventions to help individuals and institutions achieve meaningful, valuable and empowered lives.

Sekolah Pintar is an officially certified online course. With this online learning system, Sekolah Pintar hopes to create a positive impact in education of Indonesia which can be delivered quickly, easily and competently. We are committed to empower communities in need, improve local standards of living and create a sustainable environment for Indonesia.

Safe Kids Indonesia

SafeKids Indonesia (SKI) is a community-based non-profit movement. SKI strives to focus on family and child safety topics (home & child safety) to educate the public about the importance of knowing the dangers and reducing the risks at home, during travel and at the destination to create an injury-free, safe and friendly environment for Indonesian …

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Ruang Internasional

Ruang Internasional is an Anti-Mainstream Youth Empowerment Organization in Indonesia that was born from the anxiety of some Indonesian youths in an effort to humanize and empower youth to be critical, creative, and active in applying and developing their abilities to be able to play a role and contribute in the midst of global society, …

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Quipper Indonesia

Whether developing or developed, achievement gaps in education persist in many countries. Quipper’s mission is to become the “Distributors of Wisdom” and fill these gaps. As internet penetrates every day, the possibilities of online learning using smartphones and tablets are growing exponentially. At Quipper, we envision to revolutionize education by collecting all the intelligence in …

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PT. DOE Intaward Indonesia

PT DOE Intaward Indonesia operates as a social franchise working to challenge young Indonesians to dream big, celebrate their achievements and make a difference in their world. It aims to bring as many young people as possible to undertake their Award regardless of their ethnicity, race, religion and ability.

PT Crowde Membangun Bangsa

Crowde creates a farmer-friendly funding ecosystem. We create opportunities for small and medium farmers to develop their businesses and implement their ideas, along with efforts to foster public trust in the agricultural sector. Together with CROWDE, we can realize an inclusive increase in living standards and economic growth in Indonesia. Start cultivating kindness, now

PT Sehat Jiwa Bahagia (

Tim Sehat Jiwa consists of practitioners and professionals from psychology, social welfare, and various other scientific fields who have the enthusiasm and belief that everyone deserves to be happy and mental health must be accessible to everyone. This diversity makes the services we provide more holistic and effective in responding to mental health challenges at …

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PT Sosial Bisnis Indonesia

PT Social Bisnis Indonesia (SOBI) is a social enterprise that operates in the sustainable management and marketing of community forest products. We partner with community forest cooperatives in several regions in Indonesia. SOBI acts as a forest manager and FSC and SVLK certification group, as well as a market liaison between timber farmers and the …

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