PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial

Social Entrepreneurship Curriculum

This curriculum has been built for you! We encourage collaborative learning and sharing, so feel free to download, practice and use these materials in your discussions within your social enterprise.


Social Entreprenurship 101

Have no idea about 'Social Entrepreneurship'? Find the difference about social business and start-up here!


How To Make It Happen

Have a business idea but confuse about where to start? Learn the steps here; from business planning to idea testing!


How to Market My Product

Sure you now the difference between sales, marketing and branding? Find out which one should be prioritized first!


Running a Business

Got a business but struggling on handling operations or scaling it up? We are with you on a day to day basis!


Getting Fund and Managing It Wisely

Creating a positive impact requires funding to make it sustainable. Find out tips on how to approach investors and managing your funds here.


Managing People & Legally Doing Business

Creating a business with social impact requires collaboration with people having the same vision and also with legal issues. Learn more here.

Don't know where to start? Check out these infographics!

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