PLUS Founding Board and CEO at Vasham
In high school, the first book to change Irvan's worldview was “Banker to the Poor” by Muhammad Yunus. He loved Yunus's idea of what a social business is: an organization that sells a product/service that has direct social impact not for free but for a price, to create sustainability and scale. It was also surprising for Irvan to learn that individuals facing life-threatening situations borne out of extreme poverty were often more financially credible with lower default rates than middle-class Americans. Today microfinance is well established, however thirteen years ago that concept was revolutionary. Once he understood the social and financial truths about lending to the poor, he knew it was to be his life purpose. Coming from a big business family, it has been a tough decision to decide to run a social enterprise, but he knows that Vasham is one large step towards the fulfillment of his greater purpose.

PLUS Founding Board, Partner and Managing Director at The Boston Consulting Group
Yulius leads BCG's People & Organization and Operation practices in Southeast Asia.
Since joining BCG, Yulius has led various strategy and organization/operation transformation programs with leading agribusiness, mining and manufacturing companies across Southeast Asia. He has extensive experiences in organization re-design, delivering cost-reduction programs, and managing large-scale change.
Yulius also leads BCG's Social Impact Practice Network in Southeast Asia, where BCG strives to drive social impact through its ongoing work with local and global social impact partners.
Before joining BCG, Yulius worked as a consultant and database administrator at KPMG in Indonesia.

PLUS Founding Board and Founder and CEO of Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa
Veronica Colondam is the Founder and CEO of YCAB Foundation. Since 1999, YCAB Foundation has evolved into a group social enterprise that focuses on youth empowerment. Her dream is to bring Indonesia origin social enterprise into the global map and to create measurable social change through education and economic empowerment.

PLUS Advisory Board
Kaitlin has spent her career creating impact. She builds on a broad skill set to develop innovative strategies that reach across industries and bridge diverse groups. Passionate about social entrepreneurship, rewarding partnerships; and innovative approaches to challenges in development. Experience in Indonesia, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Liberia, Haiti & Kyrgyzstan.
Kaitlin established an online platform, PLUS, that connects social entrepreneurs to opportunities and helps them grow by offering business consultations. PLUS is the go-to resource for information on social entrepreneurs in Indonesia, and is the first to develop a publicly available directory of social enterprises across the country.

PLUS Advisory Board & Head of ANGIN
After a career in Private Equity and startups, David landed in Indonesia in 2013 to manage the accelerator program and investments of a global impact investor supporting high-growth double bottom line companies. He then joined IMJ Investment Partners (Spiral Ventures), one of the most active tech seed venture capitalist in Southeast Asia. David has been leading ANGIN since 2015. He graduated with a triple Master Degree in Corporate Law, Finance and Public Relations.

Stephanie hadir bersama Platform Usaha Sosial (PLUS) dengan pengalaman global baik di sektor bisnis dan nirlaba dan ia tertarik untuk menggabungkan kedua perspektif tersebut untuk mendukung wirahusahawan sosial. Ia memimpin beberapa usaha pemasaran di Habitat for Humanity setelah membangun perusahaannya sendiri, yang memberinya pijakan yang tepat untuk mendorong wirausahawan sosial dalam perjalanan mereka.
Sebagai orang yang sangat percaya dengan kekuatan usaha sosial dan semua kesempatannya, Stephanie bersemangat untuk mengembangkan PLUS menjadi organisasi yang semakin inklusif, mengangkat usaha sosial, dan membatu mereka meningkatkan dampak sosial mereka di hingga luar Indonesia.

Associate Director
Novi is a tax consultant turned social entrepreneurship enthusiast. In the past 5 years, she assisted and co-lead research, capacity building and social impact consulting projects conducted by PLUS and its partners, including building a comprehensive database on social entrepreneurs in Indonesia, the social enterprise landscape survey with the British Council, business capacity building assistance with small business and cooperative in rural Bali and Lombok, and recently, leading the development of a learning platform for NGO and CSO to learn and build financial resilience. Currently she is co-directing PLUS and in charge of the partnerships and people development within PLUS.

Program Manager
Yuyun merupakan program manager di Platform Usaha Sosial (PLUS). Ia pernah mengerjakan berbagai program yang mendukung UMKM di Jawa Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Bali, dan beberapa provinsi di Indonesia. Selama lebih dari 6 tahun, ia telah mengimplementasikan beberapa program usaha yang menjangkau lebih dari 200 pengusaha kecil.
Selain melakukan pendampingan induvidual dengan UMKM yang berpartisipasi dalam program, ia juga membangun rencana MEL (Monitoring Evaluation and Learning diterjemahkan sebagai Pemantauan, Evaluasi, dan Pembelajaran) untuk program tersebut. Latar belakangnya di bidang sosiologi dan riset sosial sejalan dengan ketertarikannya di bidang pengembangan komunitas dan pelayanan daerah terpencil dan tertinggal.

Knowledge Management Specialist
Engel merupakan Knowledge Management Specialist di Platform Usaha Sosial (PLUS). Sembari mengelola produk-produk pembelajaran di PLUS, ia juga terlibat dan menjadi mentor dalam beberapa program yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas usaha sosial di Indonesia.
Sejalan dengan ketertarikannya dalam perubahan sosial, ia telah berkarya di beberapa daerah terpencil di Indonesia (Maluku Utara, Papua Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat, dan Nusa Tenggara Tmur) untuk mengimplementasikan beberapa program pengembangan komunitas dengan beragam isu (edukasi, kesehatan, perlindungan anak, dan penanggulangan bencana). Pengalaman tersebut mempertajam Engel dalam mengelola proyek, mengembangkan komunitas, dan membangun kerja sama strategis dengan pemerintah daerah dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya.

Finance Manager
Siske Annisa merupakan Finance Manager at Platform Usaha Sosial (PLUS) dan berpengalaman lebih dari satu dekade dalam audit, financial management, akuntansi, dan administrasi di firma audit dan proyek berbasis donor. Beberapa tahun ke belakang ia sudah pernah bekerja di proyek pengembangan berskala internasional dengan berbagai organisasi. Ia menyediakan rancangan finansial, human resource, dan operasional tingkat lanjut bagi proyek; mengelola aspek finansial dan pengadan, serta memastikan compliance yang sesuai dengan Donor Regulations and International Accounting Standards.

Business Development Associate
Rintis is a highly motivated and results-driven business development associate with a strong background in public relations. With several years of experience in the field, Rintis has developed a deep understanding of how to effectively communicate and build relationships with key stakeholders in order to drive business growth.
In addition to their PR expertise, Rintis is deeply passionate about understanding the principles of marketing, psychology, and communication in order to scale up businesses. Rintis is constantly seeking out new learning opportunities and stays up-to-date on the latest industry trends and best practices.
With a unique combination of PR experience and a strong understanding of how to drive business growth through marketing, psychology, and communication, is always looking for new and innovative ways to help businesses reach their full potential.

Senior Project Associate
Henny Rahmawati memiliki pengalama dalam mendesain dan mengimplementasi program. Salah satunya adalah memimpin pelatihan nasional bersama anak -anak muda di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Tidak hanya itu, Henny juga berpengalaman menjadi fasilitator dan mentor untuk program yang berfokus pada kepemudaan.

Senior Community Engagement Associate
Juli is a senior community engagement at PLUS. She has experience communicating with various social entrepreneurs, communities, and media partners offline or online. She is also involved in the program as part of the communications team which is responsible for maintaining relationships with program participants and disseminating program information through various media platforms. She also manages social media starting from preparing research on content ideas, preparing content briefs, to maintaining engagement with the audience.

Project Associate
Naomi is a Project Associate at Platform Usaha Sosial (PLUS). She has supported several social innovation and social entrepreneurship project with PLUS. She co-designed several incubating curriculums with PLUS team for aspiring social entrepreneurs. Her engagement with social entrepreneurship ecosystem actors such as communities, youth community, and enablers has helped her build her understanding its landscape in Indonesia. She aspired to empower young social enterprises in Indonesia and become stray cats godmother.

Community Engagement Associate
Andisa merupakan Community Engagement Associate di PLUS. Melalui pengalamannya mengelola strategi media sosial dan interaksi bersama anak muda yang membantunya menghasilkan ide-ide terkait solusi sosial, begitu juga dengan kemampuannya dalam merencanakan, memfasilitasi, dan mengelola konten media sosiali dan memberdayakan anak muda melalui komunitas, Andisa memfasilitasi wirausahawan sosial dalam Komunitas PLUS dan membantu mereka menerima informasi dan kesempatan melalui konten digital PLUS dan Community Events.

UI/UX Designer
Agung adalah seorang UI/ UX designer di Platform Usaha Sosial (PLUS), dengan fokus pengembangan platform Re.Search. Berlatar belakang sebagai juara seni gim selama 4 tahun, ia mulai tertarik dalam dunia desain produk digital yang tidak terbatas di dunia gim dan memutuskan untuk mendalami UI/UX Design. Berpengalaman dalam meriset, merancang, dan melakukan uji guna bagi produk digital, ia selalu memastikan bahwa produk yang ia desain berkerja secara efisien dan menjalankan fungsinya sebagai alat menyelesaikan masalah bagi pengguna dan bisnis yang menjalankannya. Baginya, penting untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai hal, terutama membaca buku yang memberikannya masukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dengan perspektif lain.

Graphic Designer
Aulya is a Graphic Designer at Platform Usaha Sosial (PLUS) with 2 years experience before joining PLUS Team. Familiar with creating content for various information media on social media such as Instagram, and creating promotional media such as banners, posters and flyers. At PLUS, I work as a graphic designer specifically in creating visual social media content for PLUS and Re.Search.

Hasna Alifa Surjaatmadja

Project Associate