PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial

Jawa Timur

Abang Sayur

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Abang Sayur adalah sebuah usaha membantu perekonomian petani organik agar meningkat dan usaha membantu orang yang memerlukan sayur dan makanan sehat

Kopi Mangrove Segara

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Kopi Mangrove Segara is social enterprise focus on coastal area of Tulungagung exactly at Sine Beach. Its product is made from mangrove fruit and processed to be drinkable product such as coffee. The project is conducted by Redirect Indonesia, Leshutama, and PAC Kalidawir.

Sector / Location: / is an on-demand service that enables the tailors who join be freelancers who manage what projects they would accept or decline. Thus they can manage their own schedules like how many projects they would work on, so the tailors can do their work even if they are at home – especially for women […]


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Kreskros is about plastic waste. We change it into wearable stuffs. We mention it as a movement? Yes. We call it a business? Also correct. So we choose to introduce Kreskros as an independent movement, because we do both. We do some plastic movements and fund it by our business income, from the stuffs you […]

Sahawood Eyewear

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Selling wooden glasses made by communities who recovery from drug, ex-prisoners & urban poor woman

C2O Library & Collabtive

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perpustakaan dan ruang kerja bersama (co-working space) yang dikelola secara swadaya. Misinya adalah menciptakan ruang, alat dan materi bagi manusia (dan bukan-manusia) untuk belajar, bekerja, berkarya, dan berinteraksi dengan beragam komunitas dan lingkungan sekitarnya, berlandaskan pikiran dan tindakan yang terbuka dan kritis.


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Heystartic an SE to produce environmental friendly bags, employing women, mostly from the BoP line

Ladang Lima

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Ladang Lima is a warmhearted product from PT. Agung Bumi Agro, which a fast growing company that produces fresh cassava flour. Always take a step to look first at the community, by managing an 100 Ha cassava plantation area in Pasuruan, East Java, we are supporting Indonesia’s local farmers sustainability. As the lifetime dedication to […]

Tiara Handicraft

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Tiara Craft operates as a commercial enterprise and participates in various craft exhibitions. Challenged by the increasing number of disabled people seeking jobs, Tiara continuously strives to become bigger enterprise so it can give jobs to more disabled people because they deserve dignity and better life.

Bank Sampah Bina Mandiri Surabaya

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Bank Sampah Bina Mandiri menjadi sebuah solusi, bagi lingkungan dan juga bagi masyarakatnya. Tak sekedar melatih para keluarga untuk lebih peduli terhadap sampah. Akan tetapi, para ibu rumah tangga pun bisa mempunyai sebuah tabungan yang terjamin dan mudah didapat.

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