PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial

ikan lele perikanan fishery

Iyas lele merupakan kelompok budidaya dalam segmen pembesaran ikan lele. Iyas Lele hadir untuk membimbing dan memotivasi para warga Desa Banten Kecamatan Kasemen Kota Serang Propinsi Banten untuk melakukan budidaya lele dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang tersedia berupa empang dan lahan kurang produktif yang dijadikan sarana pengembangan usaha perikanan

Mapping the Social Enterprise Landscape in Indonesia

PLUS proudly launched a report on social entrepreneurship (SE) titled: Developing an Inclusive and Creative Economy: The State of Social Enterprise in Indonesia. Along with the growing interest on SE, we hope this report provides a baseline to help guide decision making and support the development of SE in Indonesia.

The social enterprises surveyed in this research represent a strong, emerging sector and are demonstrating their potential to address social and environmental problems in Indonesia.

This snapshot of the ecosystem, based on responses from nearly 500 respondents, shows that the social entrepreneurship sector is vibrant, dynamic and growing.

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