PLUS | Platform Usaha Sosial


Cinta Bumi Artisans

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Cinta Bumi Artisans was born with a big bundle of passion and purpose: to sustain culture and deep-rooted art by collaborating with local communities, encouraging ecological consciousness and sharing our love of art to others through craftsmanship and innovation in functional and artistic wearable handcrafted products that are produced responsibly in small batches.


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Geraiku leverage traditional retail stores to be as competitive as their modern counterparts through mobile technology.

Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan Bu Nandang

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Pada tahun 2005, Erni Suhaina yang bercita-cita untuk memberdayakan para perempuan yang ada di sekitarnya mendirikan Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan (LKP) Bu Nandang. Pelatihannya sendiri bergerak dalam pemanfaatan limbah untuk industri kreatif dengan motto ‘Limbah menjadi berkah, limbah menjadi indah, limbah menjadi rupiah’ dan Erni ingin menciptakan perubahan pola pikir terhadap lingkungan sehingga limbah bisa […]

Zakat Kasih

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A website and mobile application based organization that helps person in needs focusing on helping elderly-marginal people and disabilities get better livelihoods at stage 1 & 2 then by stage 3 the development programs is to helps people gaining better healthcare through cutting edge technology, virtual augmented reality, implemented holistics-permaculture ways, in related to handle […]

Salam Rancage

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Salam Rancage designs and produces premium handycrafts made from reused newspaper while empowering women community to achieve financial, social, and environmental harmony.

Tune Map

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TUNE MAP adalah komunitas yang peduli terhadap hak mobilitas tuna netra di Indonesia. Aktivitas utama TUNE MAP adalah melakukan kampanye dan advokasi terkait trotoar yang aksesibel. Saat ini kami juga sedang mengembangkan aplikasi selular untuk memandu tuna netra bermobilisasi di dalam kota.


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Kraviti is one of many sociopreneur company in Bandung, Indonesia. Kraviti empower women inmates in prisons. Kraviti was started in a small workshop in Awiligar, a highland in the center of Bandung. It is a city where the people acknowledged for their creativity, from those who have great minds, great talents, to those who have […]

Kita Indonesia

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Kita Indonesia adalah Komunitas yang mewadahi pemuda untuk peka terhadap permasalahan sosial melalui pengembangan & pengabdian masyarakat dengan aksi-aksi yang solusi-solutif. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membentuk/meningkatkan kepekaan sosial melalui berbagai kegiatan seperti Safari Desa, Kita Bermain, Kita Mengajar, Apresiasi Budaya, & Ruang Kita.

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