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kewirausahaan sosial

Apakah Kewirausahaan Sosial Itu?

Kewirausahaan sosial adalah tentang bagaimana menerapkan pendekatan yang praktis, inovatif, dan berkelanjutan untuk memberikan dampak positif pada masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat kelas ekonomi bawah dan yang terpinggirkan. Kewirausahaan sosial biasanya bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah ekonomi atau sosial.

Learn More


Social Entreprenurship 101

New to the phrase Social Entrepreneurship? Learn the difference between a Social Business and the common Start Up here!


Running a Business

Got a business but struggling on handling operations or scaling it up? We are with you on a day to day basis!


How to Make It Happen

Have a business idea but don't know where to start? Learn how step-by-step, from business planning to testing your idea!


Getting Fund and Managing It Wisely

Creating a positive impact requires funding to make it sustainable. Find out tips on how to approach investors and managing your funds here.


How to Market My Product

Sure you now the difference between sales, marketing and branding? Find out which one should be prioritized


Managing People & Legally Doing Business

Creating a business with social impact requires collaboration with people having the same vision and also with legal issues. Learn more here.

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